Poetically Wyld

Poetic? yes. Wyld? maybe.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

An Aquarius...

Friday, January 24, 2020

The End of a Decade...

Most of the New Year hubbub has died down, for everyone else, but not for me. After Christmas I am always on my birthday countdown mode. This year is especially important for me because I am closing out my third decade.

When I started this blog I was an excited, emotional, eager-to-learn and grow 26 year old. I had no clue what I wanted or where I was going or even how I was going to get there once I figured out where there was. I just knew I had a whole Leave-It-To-Beaver life waiting for me at the end of that dream.

Life has jokes. The universe looked at me and said, "Honey, please! Look here and take some damn notes!" I didn't want to take notes so the detours I had endured in my thirties left me bruised and a little beaten but I'm still here.

I am still here. I am still writing poetry. I have returned to knitting and crocheting. I have birthed 2 additional children and left a whole other relationship I had hoped would be my last. My bruises go deep. But I am learning that my strength goes deeper. I am looking forward to this new year and the start of my new decade. I must admit I am a little afraid of how deep this strength goes and what that strength can produce but if you're curious as I am, stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy New Year!

Another year has come to a close so a new one can begin. 2019 has had many lessons for me. Some new and some returning lessons I did not heed when they first appeared. The pain of repeating a lesson is hard to accept but necessary to grow. That includes people, places and ideas.

My main lesson in 2019 was to learn to let go. We teach people how to treat us by what behaviors we condone by open acceptance or passive allowance. I have been passively allowing behaviors that did not serve my higher self and left me feeling less than my fabulous self. That is unacceptable. I had to look hard at myself. Acknowledgement is the first step. Setting firm boundaries is the second step. Taking progressive action is the third step.

2020 is the beginning of a new cycle. What progressive action steps will you take in 2020? What firm boundaries will you put in place to protect and preserve your higher self? Remember, today is yesterday's tomorrow - so be great today!