Poetically Wyld

Poetic? yes. Wyld? maybe.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

An Aquarius...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mystical Changes

My dearest friend Lynne ordered my book yesterday! I feel so loved (awww - giggles). My son woke me up this morning whispering, mommy - it's my birthday today. Can I get some extra sleep? All the while with a grin on his face. I found out that his grandfather wants my permission to take all three of the boys to Disney World this summer. Can you say vacation for them and breathing time for me? It will be the first time that I will be away from them for more than 2 days, scary.

Slight shift in gears here...

For the last two years I have worn my hair short, at first only about an inch long if that much and then last March 2005 I cut it all off until only 5 'o clock shadow remained. Cute, it was very cute. Unfortunately for me it only attracted guys old enough to be my father and then some. Well I had my last hair cut in September 2005 and I decided to let my hair grow back. Boy was my mother excited about that. Two Saturdays ago I decided to go to the shop and have my hair done in micro braids. The reactions I have received were too funny. The only people who recognized me were my sons. They have seen me with micro braids before, my coworkers have only seen the short and then shorter hair. So to see me walk in to work with hair to my shoulders they thought I was a new hire... It was very interesting.

Mystically Changing

You grow comfortable
with me this way
not having to actually see me
for me
a mystical change is occuring within;
you don't see
so you don't notice
- not until the change is nearly complete.
One bold change
and it grabs your full attention...
adjusting glasses,
second glances
and it registers on your face;
the mystical change
that has been brewing
has already taken place.


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