Poetry bug bit me
It's been a long time since I wrote poetry continuously but today the words were just flowing out of me. My poetry comes out better that way, it's more meaningful to me when it is continuous... Currently I am listening to this song called Volt Space, it's on myspace. I wish I could download it, it's beautiful...
mind swirling against the tide of oncoming emotions,
this flood has a familiarity that makes me sad.
I've been here before,
drowning in the songs of my heart
yet no one hears me singing.
my lungs burn,
filled with a built up passion
only I have no outlet for release.
this fire building,
burning me again
so I write.
my pen franticly scratching the pages of this pad
racing faster
as my thoughts try to capture what's in my heart
and throw it to the wind,
a wind I wish could catch me
because I am falling
ground, dirt, earth
racing towards me
as I fall deep into the unending heat
of my own emotions burning for escape
will anyone catch me?
Dear Markisha & Brian,
I would like to meet with the two of you and discuss your book, "Sips." I enjoyed reading it very much. Markisha, I like your work you've posted. Have the two of you thought about The Million Womens March" thats coming up in October 2007? I know a little about the people putting the program together. Here is the contact info.: Sis Empress Phile'K. A. Chionesu, Architect, Founder, President General at MWMX VENDING@YAHOO.COM, 215. 299. 6424.
Tell Sis. Phile' I gave her information.
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