Poetically Wyld

Poetic? yes. Wyld? maybe.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

An Aquarius...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Bone Thugs...

I was listening to Bone Thugs Resurrection on Saturday and one of their songs is stuck in my head. I was out and about on that gorgeous day. It was about 70 degrees and this is the beginning of January. I saw rose buds on the tips of some tree branches!! Yet the newscasters are trying to convince the public that there is no global warming?! The fu*king polar ice caps are melting and Europe is closing ski resorts for the lack of snow high in the mountains. But our merry old leader is fighting to send more of our sons, brothers, uncles, fathers and lovers overseas to fight... for what? Wasn't their whole purpose of invading Iraq to weed out and rid the world of Saddam Hussein? Did they not murder him last week and catch it on a camera phone to show the world? Did our ever so wise leader stop to think how the world would treat Americans who happen to be overseas anywhere? We are in a very vulnerable place right now due to the arrogance and ignorance portrayed by the very class of people who felt justified in hanging innocent people from trees just because of the color of their skin. But we're supposed to trust them with our lives right?


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