Poetically Wyld

Poetic? yes. Wyld? maybe.

My Photo
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

An Aquarius...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Rest In Peace

He was murdered. Plain and simple. Cardiac arrest my ass. This country is so fucking disgusting. These fucked up individuals still believe they can do whatever the fuck they want to without consequences. Karma is a muther fucker and when it comes knocking at your motherfucking door don't cry for help. I have no sympathy for the motherfuckers who murdered Michael Jackson. May the Lord have mercy on your souls.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Slow Down

Sitting back as the years fade
into a menagerie of memories
drifting across the vision
of my spiritual awakening.
Time allotted but not accounted for
as I dreamed of maintaining
just the simple things;
the seasons pass in a blur of growth
encouraged by a lazy slumber of wintry white
and summery oranges.
Admiring the wisdom of the ages
dressed in sophisticated hues
and earth toned blues of submission
I realize life is
and will continue to be
a quiet mystery.

I was sitting back watching the children play, knowing school is out for the summer. They just enjoy life, when they aren't bogged down with adult issues and are allowed to be children. They aren't afraid to laugh or cry when the atmosphere calls for it. What happened to the simplicity of life?

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Down A Winding Road

Walking down a winding road
unsure of which path to follow.
Life is an unscripted catwalk
of silken scarves and cotton dreams,
comforting and unpredictable.
Watching as life casually strolls along
with opportunities mellow and shy
disappearing into the winds of tomorrow...
Soil sodden tempers flare in the evening
of tea drenched ideas of accomplishment
while sauce covered courtesies
are laced with acidic intentions.
But here I am
walking down a winding road
unsure of which path to follow.
Life is an unscripted dance
with complicated missteps
and haphazard melodies
quietly enticing us all to follow...